Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Slash of Fiction

*Warning: There is a bit of nudity in the picture....Ok, there is a naked woman.*

I am completely fascinated by fiction, specifically, fiction stories that have small details of truth in them (i.e. the dates of famous artists' death, fun facts that fit into the story, references to great work) because without them, we loose the mentality that this could happen.

Yes, it is hard (for some) to believe that zombies will take over the world and they will begin to have their own government system that, for some reason, works for them but would never work for us at this day and age. There is something about giving a few pieces of information in a story that interests me. I always want to see what it has to do with the story or how they used the information as an analogy. I tend do research and get involved when new information is presented to me. Which is why I would read a story about Zombies and their government (And well come on, ZOMBIES!!!!)

It is true that there are genres of books I will be hesitant to read but I will read them anyway..my English teachers taught me to appreciate any type of writing. To just give it a try. Now, this was for any type of writing, fiction and non, poems and novels, Sci-Fi and Romance...I think I have been able to read a bit of everything.

I am currently reading (in my spare time) "The Swan Thieves" by Elizabeth Kostova. A story about a Psychiatrist  who is an artist in his spare time, and his new patient who pulled a knife out and was about to attack Leda, a painting of a naked woman/the mistress named Leda who was approached by Zeus in the form of a swan. The title and the cover of the book caught my attention automatically, the cover shows the painting Leda and the Swan, only from her knees to her toes, and the swan (Zeus).

Leda and the Swan by Francois Edouard Picot

I don't have a lot of time to read, so I am a bit too early in the book to decide if this is the greatest story ever but I do like it so far. The painting...that painting has my attention, has my goal in sight. Leda and the Swan, is so beautiful. Yes, some people do not approve or are comfortable with nudity but I love the painting. The strokes of the brush in different areas can say a lot if you can find a really good picture or can focus on one painting for a long while.

I am excited to write more Fiction stories (I have a few in progress..just need a break) and I have so many ideas, ideas that I can combine with others and make something wonderful.

Something I find important for writing is to write for myself, not really for others.
Yes, pay attention to what others would want to read.
I write to impress myself and then others...you can't impress others if your not impressed yourself.

**Express yourself, Love yourself, Show the World, and Strut Your Stuff!**

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