Saturday, February 23, 2013

Forgetting the Things You Hav

Everyone (I am sure) has heard the saying: "You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone". Those words speak more truth than anyone will ever realize until it actually happens.

Now, I am usually more appreciative of what I have but lately I haven't appreciated the people who are in my life NOW.

This last weekend a friend of mine and my family was injured during a boxing match (JJ Moen) and it was the scariest thing I have ever seen. From the moment I noticed his breathing was off to the moment he was put on the stretcher and rushed to the hospital, I wanted to cry. I had to hold it in just because that was how I grew up, trying to hold back my emotions. Monday morning after that weekend, my family and I got word that JJ had passed. I cried once I got home from school and I started to think about what would happen if I or my family died soon. I really thanked God for giving me my family.

Yesterday, my mom went to Texas by herself on a plane for the first time. And when I watched her go through security, I wanted to cry. I have heard about all these planes crashing and people not making it home with their families and it really brought me to tears. I miss my mom so much and I can feel the emptiness in the house with her gone.

I really love, care for , and appreciate my family. They are weird, crazy, loud, and sometimes mean but its all out of love. No one could ever replace them and I really hate how I never thought about saying thanks to my parents for being there for me unlike the many families of my friends.

This entire blog, I have to thank my family...because a lot of the topics I write about (and have drafts about) are because they make me think. The conversations we have make me a better person even when I try to rebel.

Next time you see your family or really close friends, Thank them for being in your life. Thank them for loving you the way you are. Thank them for everything and anything...

Appreciate Life and what God has given you...You will never know what it is life without them until you lose them. <3 Live strong for them. Forever. :)

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