Thursday, January 31, 2013

Feng Shui

Ok, so I have really been getting into the "healthy" thing lately and I began to think about Feng Shui. A lot of people say that it is superstition and in a way I believe them but part of me beleives that Feng Shui works, to an extent.

Feng Shui- ancient art and science  that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure health and good fortune for people inhabiting it, it was developed over 3,000 years ago in China.

I do believe that color coordination can affect your lifestyle and your mental health, I really do believe it. For example: My parent's bedroom used to be a dark, depressing magenta color (not the kind of color anyone would want). While my father didn't notice anything, my mother did. She  said that she didn't like being in her room at all. That the color was making her depressed, sad, and irritable. So she changed the color. Well, she painted over it (still hasn't finished). She noticed a difference in her mood after that. She as more willing to be in her room and she wasn't as irritable. Now, I know that some people don't think that it has to do with color. But I dod think that there is some relation to colors and moods. (Why else would scientist say that red= anger or love, purple in some countries means death and so on.)

So for those who do believe in Feng Shui or are interested  here are a few good tips that I have found (Trust me, I did my research BUT this is mostly about bedrooms because that is what I am going to do :D):

  • First, you need to know the Bagua (energy map) in your home or office space.- can check out the following link:
  • Then use the Luo-Pan (Feng Shui Compass) to gain access to deeper information at the following link:
  • GET RID of the Tv, Computer, or exercise equipment from the room!
    • This can destory the energy that is present in your bedroom.
  • Open your windows often or get an air-purifier
    • I don't want you to be constantly breathing stale air or pollutants.
  • No plants in your room
    • UNLESS, you have a larger room and the plants are placed as faw away from the bed as possible.
  • Lighting
    • Have several levels of lighting to adjust the energy flow. Candles are great for this but stay away from candles with toxins.
    • This can help you achieve good balance. The best colors are considered "skin colors" like plae white to chocolate brown.
  • If you want images/pictures...
    • BE CAREFUL! What is on the picture or the mood of the picture can place that kind of energy in the room. For example: A sad picture, gives sad energy.
  • The Bed ;)
    • Bed should be approachable from both sides
    • 2 bedside tables are a good idea
    • and AVOID having your door in a direct line with the door.
  • A clean closet gives you good energy
  • Keep all the doors in your room closed (Closet and Entrance)
    • This will keep the good energy flow on you, giving you a peaceful rest or keeping the spirits in you alive and happy. It is healing and relaxing.
This is thanks to a lot of different sites but the main words and key things mostly came from (which I find rather informative)

Keep the Energies flowin' Yo! :)

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